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To search and conquer new horizons
To shape local talent into all-round, universal talent based on fundamental moral values, which can suit to the ultra-modern world
To inculcate fundamental moral values among students.
To imbibe national spirit among students.
To motivate students to preserve & upgrade environment.
To encourage students for research activities.
To promote students for social service.
To prepare students for competitive exams.
To develop all-round personality of students.
Shri Kumarswami Mahavidyalaya, Ausa
Now, Ausa is in Latur District and Latur but at the time of the establishment of the institution, it came in Osmanabad District in the Marathwada region, which is one of the regions of Maharashtra.The Marathwada region was under the rule of the Nizam of Hyderabad till 17th September 1948 and the people were ignored. Later on, on the basis language Maharashtra was separated and in 1959. Marathwada region was economically backward area in comparison with other regions of Maharashtra and in comparison to other districts Osmanabad was backward one.

Chairperson Message
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Principal's Message
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you with sense of pride and responsibility; I took over the as a principal of the prestigious Institution which has the sparkling history Read More...
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